Online Community Resting Meditation Circles April 2020

We are in a time of processing collective fear and grief, perhaps more intensely than we’ve seen before. How do we hold space for this with gentleness and courage AND ask…. what else is there? What seeds are sprouting during this time of transformational change? What nourishment is helping them to grow?

This month I’ll be offering twice-weekly community meditation circles focussed on deep rest. Tuning into the body, breath and encouraging self-kindness and relief. Not just to momentarily escape or distract ourselves. Rather, trusting that when we turn the dial down on thinking about the past and trying to control the future, then space is created for energy and warmth to flow in.

The circles use Zoom, an online meeting software that is free and simple to download. You will need a quiet space to be and a device that has a mic/speaker and a camera.

Both circles will include guidance for a 20-25 minute lying down meditation (you can follow this or do your own meditation practice and simply enjoy the connection with others online). I have found in my own practice that there is something wonderfully powerful about meditating in community with others whilst in my own home.

For the Wednesday circles involving singing, everyone will mute their mic due to the online time-lag and I’ll teach some super-simple voice exercises and songs, so don’t let shyness stop you. Sometimes a bit of poetry, music or journalling might creep in too 😃

I have been practising deep rest meditation for the past 6 years and have been teaching online meditation circles since last year, with my wonderful teacher (Jaya Ashmore)’s blessing. It’s a non-religious practice encouraging gentle connection with the body, breath and the earth. And I’ve been singing with communities in person since 2009 – online singing is a relatively new experiment and it’s been fun so far!

All are welcome. You absolutely don’t need any experience of meditation or singing.

Free of charge / donations if you can afford it.

Please email shilpashah23ATgmailDOTcom to sign up, saying which sessions you’d like to attend

All my love.

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