Singing at your workplace or event

singing for your event

Singing workshops in work, community and family settings. Absolutely no previous experience of singing is required to enjoy them. I charge according to the size of your organisation/group and the length of workshop and travelling time. Please contact me to discuss your requirements.

Singing at your workplace

‘Shilpa brought such a lot of energy and I felt truly uplifted afterwards.’

Stress is a huge cause of ill health in the workplace. Whilst the root causes of overwork need to be addressed and individual support provided in the first instance, offering regular group activities such as singing can support good health and mental health.

The very first singing group I led was a lunchtime office choir. My colleagues and I were going through a difficult redundancy process. Our weekly sing had an uplifting impact which lasted all week. It brought people from different departments and different levels of seniority together, as equals.

I do not run traditional formal workplace choirs. My singing workshops are designed specifically to promote health and wellbeing. They can be standalone or part of a series. Each workshop is inclusive to all. I believe singing is a birthright for all of us. No previous singing experience is required.

I start with gentle movement, stretching and breathing exercises. Fun warm up games encourage laughter and relaxation. I usually teach simple songs by ear, with harmonies or interlocking parts that encourage listening and teamwork. I draw on a huge variety of songs, from different eras and parts of the world and with varying levels of energy.

If you would like to discuss singing workshops for your workplace, please contact me

singing at your workplace‘Shilpa ran a series of Singing for Wellbeing lunchtime sessions for us at HM Treasury, along with a few other government departments. The sessions were like taking a big deep breath in and feeling a lot better. The stress of work can be hard, and it is easy in that environment to feel isolated from colleagues and also your own wellbeing. Shilpa brought such a lot of energy and I felt truly uplifted afterwards. The rest of the day passed much more pleasantly.’ –E Sadler – civil servant, London

Singing at your work or community event

Conferences can be boring. Lots of talking, presentations and thinking can leave us feeling drained. A short singing workshop is an unorthodox yet exciting addition to an event programme. Singing relaxes the body and expresses emotions, so can have an energising impact.

No previous singing experience is required – I believe ‘if you can talk, you can sing’. Whether participants know each other or are meeting for the first time, I will help them overcome awkwardness and stretch, relax, and play. I will use a song relevant for your event to create connection and a sense of group achievement.

A singing workshop for your event can be as short as 15 minutes, though 45-60 minutes works best. All that is needed is a space for participants to sit, ideally in a circle. It can be a break-out workshop or in plenary. A popular option is to run a break-out workshop, then support the participants to perform in the closing plenary (invariably tempting the whole room to join in!).

If you would like to discuss singing at your work or community event, please contact me.

singing at your workplace
An uplifting song to close the Black Feminist conference at the Royal Festival Hall in London, March 2015

Singing at your family event

Family events can gather our threads of community together and weave a stronger sense of connection. Singing a relevant song together can add magic – and it need only take 15 minutes. I have led songs at weddings/civil partnership ceremonies, naming ceremonies, memorial services, birthday parties, mehndi nights etc, creating an inclusive, memorable moment for groups from 10 to 400 people.  

If you would like to discuss singing at your family event, please contact me.

singing at your event



It was such a special and unique moment. It was exactly what we hoped for – a time for everyone to stop chatting, drinking etc and come together as a community. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts Eve and Nic – Thank you card after Eve and Nic’s wedding in June 2015

Singing for Health and Wellbeing facilitator

singing for health

There is increasing evidence confirming that singing helps health conditions such as chronic breathing problems, mental health, Parkinsons, Alzheimers. Singing can support particular outcomes such as better lung function, a reduced reliance on inhalers or improved memory. Singing in a group promotes a better connection with our bodies and breathing, as well as with other singers in the group. This can reduce isolation and creates a sense of achievement and strength. 

I have particular experience in singing for people with chronic breathing problems and singing for positive mental healthI am currently leading singing for breathing groups for a Sidney de Haan Centre research project. I also sing with people with mental health difficulties including for local Mind groups and in prisons and immigration detention centres.

In addition to musical, physical and emotional understanding, I bring my community development and facilitation experience. This helps me to quickly create trust and support those who feel less confident to thrive in the group.

I work in a variety of health, institutional and community settings. If you would like to discuss Singing for Health and Wellbeing sessions for your group or organisation, please contact me.


sidneydehann-2Shilpa has been a singing facilitator with our Singing for Better Breathing project since December 2014. She works energetically and sensitively with participants and is always attentive to their needs. She is a great enabler and helps people to pay attention to their bodies and breathing and engage with others through singing.The films we have made from the project illustrate her joyful style better than any words.  – Stephen Clift, Director, Sidney De Haan Research Centre for Arts and Health



Shilpa immediately melds together a very disparate group. She makes the whole thing fun and we laugh a lot. She explains the purpose and point of any exercise we are doing and then encourages people individually, while making sure that everybody is trying their best. Feedback email from a singer at Clapham Surgery group


My Heart Sings

my heart sings 1

My Heart Sings supports women who are usually unheard in UK society to build positive relationships with themselves and with each other and strengthen their voices to help create change.

My Heart Sings works particularly with groups and organisations of (self-identifying) women who are women of colour/BAMER, including

  • refugees and asylum seekers
  • survivors of gender-based violence
  • experiencing mental health difficulties
  • staff and volunteers supporting these women and their families


My Heart Sings workshops with your group or organisation

My Heart Sings started as a weekly women’s group in central London. I have since developed work in UK prisons, Yarl’s Wood detention centre and with groups and organisations working with marginalised women across London.

Singing together has great healing potential. Working with Women and Girls Network deepened my understanding of the impact of trauma on our body and emotional state. I became curious to learn more and develop supportive tools. The My Heart Sings model for workshops aims to help women develop their connection with the present moment, their body and each other with gentleness and openness. I adapt breathing, gentle yoga movement and voice exercises and choose soothing and empowering songs. I also support women to express themselves by sharing songs which are meaningful for them.

My Heart Sings now delivers workshops for women’s groups and organisations, to support self-care and empowerment programmes.

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What you can expect from a My Heart Sings workshop


People can often feel nervous about singing. I start a workshop by sharing my philosophy about singing and voice – singing is our birthright, not something that only people who ‘are good’ can do. I believe everyone’s voice has something to contribute to a circle of voices….

To receive more detailed information My Heart Sings workshops and to discuss the needs of women in your group or organisation, please contact me

You can read more about the activities of My Heart Sings on the blog here.


women-and-girls-network“My Heart Sings” literally says what it means. It wasn’t only my heart, but my body, mind and spirit were all singing and vibrating on a higher frequency  during and after the magical session’-– Michelle Springer-Benjamin, Training Manager, Women and Girls Network, after a self-care session for staff and volunteers